
Type: Posts; User: TeeAhr1; Keyword(s):

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  1. [SOLVED] Re: X fails to load with nvidia driver: "screen(s) found, but none have a usable conf

    Hot damn, mark it SOLVED! I had previously tried to extract an EDID from the Windows partition, but I had saved it as a *.raw file, and didn't include the "ConnectedMonitor" line. This totally...
  2. [SOLVED] Re: X fails to load with nvidia driver: "screen(s) found, but none have a usable conf

  3. [SOLVED] X fails to load with nvidia driver: "screen(s) found, but none have a usable config"

    Hey guys. I'm going crazy here, hopefully somebody can give me a hand.

    My system is a Lenovo B500 All-In-One, with an Nvidia GTS 250M video card. nv seems to work okay, but I cannot get the...
  4. [kubuntu] Blue Marble plasmoid: "OpenGL shaders not supported"

    When I try to put the Marble plasmoid on my desktop, I get the error "OpenGL shaders not supported." Can anyone give me some advice on what this means?

  5. Replies

    [other] Re: Midnight Commander autocomplete

    I don't have an answer to this that doesn't involve changing your window manager hotkeys, but I wanted to kick this post up because I would also love to know a way. I've tried feeding it other key...
  6. [ubuntu] ifup problem: DHCPDISCOVER requests going to

    Okay, I'm at a loss here. When trying to use ifup or dhclient, I always hang at:

    DHCPREQUEST from wlan0 to 255.255.255 port 67 interval 6
    DHCPREQUEST from wlan0 to 255.255.255 port 67 interval 11...
  7. Replies

    [all variants] NFS outside of LAN?

    I've been looking for instructions on how to do this to no avail. I've got a very basic NFS server set up, that shares over the LAN. What I would like to do is access the NFS shares from outside my...
  8. Replies

    [all variants] Re: "Open with" dialog in Firefox

    Sorry, I wasn't clear. The Gmail account is my own. But I have also concluded that it's something about the way Yahoo is handling the files. I don't think there's any help for it.
  9. Replies

    [all variants] "Open with" dialog in Firefox

    Hey, working on somebody else's computer here, having a slight issue with Firefox opening files. We've got a WMV (stupid email attachment, you know how it goes), when I try to open it in Gmail it...
  10. Replies

    [all variants] Re: tty1 is frozen, but 2-7 are fine

    Solved (how do I always do that thirty seconds after posting?). I ran "ps -A|grep tty1" and saw that bash was still running there. Killed it, problem solved. We now return you to your regularly...
  11. [ubuntu] Re: how to restore /home permissions after backing up to a fat32 drive!

    Sorry, somehow I managed to post a reply to the wrong thread here. Read the one above this one, it's real, and pretend this one's not here ;)
  12. [ubuntu] Re: how to restore /home permissions after backing up to a fat32 drive!

    First question: Can you show me an example of the ls output?
    Second question: Have you tried "chown -R jondoe /home/jondoe"? I've had files mysterously re-owner themselves before.
  13. Replies

    [all variants] [SOLVED] tty1 is frozen, but 2-7 are fine

    I'm not entirely sure how this happened (it's on my server, and I haven't had any reason to look at it in a while, but tty1 seems to be frozen. 2-7 are fine, I can switch back and forth between them...
  14. [ubuntu] Re: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG disappeared?

    Ayuthia, you are a lifesaver! Updating the bios totally did the trick. Thx a million!
  15. [ubuntu] Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG disappeared?

    Well, that's odd. I've got an HP Paviolion dv2000 with a Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG card, which I enabled through the Restricted Drivers manager without an issue yesterday, came right up, good...
  16. Re: Ideas Wanted: Background for Ubuntu CD labels


    I haven't given up on this. If anyone's got an idea, I'd love them for it.
  17. [all variants] Re: still can't get bash sessions to share history

    I have sourced my .bashrc (yes, in all open terms), and I've tried it with and without export. No luck.
  18. [all variants] still can't get bash sessions to share history

    I've been prodding at this for a while with no success. Here's what I've got in .bashrc now...

    # Append history instead of overwriting...
    shopt -s histappend
    # ... and append and re-read the...
  19. Replies

    [kde] Re: Locked out of KDE4

    Did it. Thx!
  20. Replies

    [kde] Locked out of KDE4

    wdy y'all. I guess I must have lost power this morning during an
    upgrade, and now I seem to be locked out of KDE4. I get to KDM, I enter
    my password, the splash screen gets about halfway through,...
  21. Replies

    [all variants] Re: "sudo: foo: command not found"

    Monicker: I did re-source the .bashrc.

    angry_johnnie: It works when I incorporate sudo into the alias, but I don't want to do that.

  22. Replies

    [all variants] "sudo: foo: command not found"

    I've added some functions and aliases to my ~/.bashrc, but I get the above error if I try to run them with sudo. /etc/sudoers has not been changed, I thought that the line "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL"...
  23. Re: Is it unethical to make Linux look like Windows?

    That's kind of my point. You shouldn't have to install an external program and keep it running in resident memory all day just to change the look of your desktop. Sure, you can, but I can do all that...
  24. Re: Is it unethical to make Linux look like Windows?

    No. It's just stupid.

    I really think you should spend a Sunday afternoon on or, or check out the monthly desktop thread that's always running in the backyard forum....
  25. Ideas Wanted: Background for Ubuntu CD labels

    I'm working on a complete set of CD labels for Ubuntu, based on the excellent work of Ulrich Hansen on these Debian labels. I'm in love with these labels. Look at the GIMP sourcefile to get a feel...
Results 1 to 25 of 250
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